Start with a square sheet of origami paper and rotate it like a diamond, color side up

Fold the paper in half by folding top to bottom

Bring the left edge of the triangle to the top edge

Turn the paper over

Fold the triangle in half by bringing the left corner over to the right corner. Your origami should now look like this

Open the flap and squash down. Try to keep the right corner pointy as you make the crease, and keep the edges aligned at the top


Get a new sheet of paper and rotate it like this, color side down

Fold the bottom corner to the top corner, creasing well

Fold the triangle in half by fold the left corner over to the right

Rotate the the triangle so that it looks like an arrow pointing down

Bring in the piece you completed earlier and rotate like in the picture, like an arrow pointing up

Slip the triangle on the left in between the flaps of the arrow

Tape the two pieces together and there you have it

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